Toddlers 1 to 3 years
We help toddlers explore their environment with all their senses so they can start to experience their independence and learn to develop their social skills and to express what they need with words. We help them begin to learn way to manage their frustrations and to appreciate the need for empathy and quite time
Toddlers gradually learn to live and be part of a group:
- Play with a friend in a sharing manner
- Have fun in group
- Begin to feel respect for rules
- Begin to understand why certain routines are helpful
Toddler develop feelings of security and belonging to a group
- Add new words to their vocabulary to help them ask for what they need or feel
- Explore ways to talk about their different emotions
- Gradually become independent and confident
- Look forward to going to daycare
Our Toddler Program Focuses on
- Painting
- Drawing
- Reading
- Singing
- Outdoor activities
- Running
- Relaxing activities such as yoga.
Our Food
We provide two snacks and a lunch each day. We use only fresh ingredients to create delicious foods with love that encouraged children to explore tasty and nutritious foods so they can find joy in healthy eating.
Connecting as people
We sit with you during pickup time to go over what was of interest during the day.